“Introduction – “The Amazon River Basin: Extractivism, indigenous Perspectives, and a Political Aesthetics of Resistance.” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. Special Issue “The Amazon River Basin: Extractivism, Aesthetics and Indigenous Perspectives.” Ed. Patrícia Vieira. 32.2 (2023).
“An Anarchist Rainforest: Cooperation in Ferreira de Castro’s The Jungle.” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. Special Issue “The Amazon River Basin: Extractivism, Aesthetics and Indigenous Perspectives.” Ed. Patrícia Vieira. 32.2 (2023).
“Amazonian Ecopoetics: Paes Loureiro’s Shamanic Zoophytography.” Ed. Brigida Pastor and Lloyd Davies. Romance Studies. 41.1 (2023): 54-64.
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“A Arte Vegetal da Amazónia na Obra de Krans Krajcberg” Revista Cerrados. 31: 60 (2022).
“Animist Phytofilm: Plants in Amazonian Indigenous Filmmaking." Philosophies. Special Issue “Thinking Cinema – With Plants.” Ed. Sarah Cooper. 7 (6), 138 (2002).
“Plant Art from the Amazon: Tree Performance in the Work of Frans Krajcberg.” Performing Plants, a special issue of Performance Philosophy. Ed. Prudence Gibson and Catriona Sandilands. 6:2 (2021): 82-99.
“Utopia and Dystopia and the Future of Homo sapiens in the Wake of Covid-19.” Esboços: Histórias em Contextos Globais. 27:46 (2020): 426-33.
“Rainforest Sublime in Cinema: A Post-Anthropocentric Amazonian Aesthetics.” Hispania. 103:4 (2020): 533-543.
“Utopia and Dystopia in the Age of the Anthropocene.” Esboços: Histórias em Contextos Globais. 27:46 (2020): 350-65.
"Portuguese Women Film Directors and the Environment: Margarida Cardoso's Atlas." Doc On-line. 28 (Sept. 2020): 158-67.
“Amazonian Road Movies.” RILE: Revista Interdisciplinar de Literatura e Ecocrítica. 1:5 (2020): 32-60
“The Posthuman Poetry of Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.” Luso-Brazilian Review. 56 (June 2019): 1-18.
“Trading our Way out of War: Perpetual Peace without Politics.” Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais. 116 (Sept. 2018): 5-22.
“Utopian Amazons: A Communitarian Matriarchy in the Jungle.” Revista da UFMG. 24.1-2 (2017): 98-115.
“Interspecies Literature: Clarice Lispector’s Zoophytographia.” Journal of Lusophone Studies. 2.2 (2017).
“Literatura del Amazonas: la voz de la selva.” Estudios Portugueses y Brasileños. 15 (2017): 89-101.
“The Nature of Portuguese Cinema: Environment on the Silver Screen.” Journal of Lusophone Studies. 2.1 (Spring 2017): 112-33.
“Learning from Plants: Fernando Pessoa’s Phytographia.” Estranhar Pessoa. 3 (October 2016).
“Phytofables: Tales of the Amazon.” Journal of Lusophone Studies. 2.1 (2016): 116-34.
“Mountains Inside Out: The Sublime Mines of Novalis.” Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment. 22.2 (Spring 2016): 1-16.
“Is Overpopulation a Growth? The Pathology of Permanent Expansion.” Oxford Literary Review. 38.1 (2016): 67-83.
“Perpetual Peace: Kant’s History of the Future.” Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy. 20.2 (Spring 2016): 407-25.
“Phytographia: Literature as Plant Writing.” Environmental Philosophy. 12.2 (Fall 2015): 205-220.
“Imperial Remains: Post-Colonialism in Portuguese Literature and Cinema.” Portuguese Journal of Social Science. 14.3 (2015): 275-86.
“De la Caverna Platónica a las Prisiones Modernas: Visión y Oscuridad en la Literatura, el Cine y el Arte Políticos del Siglo Veinte” [“From the Platonic Cave to Modern Prisons: Vision and Darkness in Political Literature, Cinema and Art in the 20th Century”] 452°F: Journal of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature. 10 (2014): 146-65.
“A Experiência Transatlântica do Padre António Vieira e o Quinto Império” [The Transatlantic Experience of Father António Vieira and the Fifth Empire”]. Revista do Centro de Estudos Portugueses da UFMG. 49 (2013): 171-84.
“Estado de Graça: A Utopia Teológico-Política do Padre António Vieira.” Romance Quarterly. 61:1 (2014): 65-78.
“Writing Phytophilia: Philosophers and Poets as Lovers of Plants.” Frame. Journal of Literary Studies. 26.2 (Nov. 2013): 37-53. (with
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“Entre a Luz e a Sombra: Visão e Obscuridade na Literatura Política de Graciliano Ramos e José Saramago." ["Betwenn Light and Darkness: Vision and Darkness in the Political Literature of Graciliano Ramos and José Saramago"] Dedalus. 16 (2012): 185-99.
“Specters of Colonial Violence: The Archive in António Lobo Antunes's South of Nowhere.” Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies. 19/20 (2011): 341-52.
“Existential Utopia: Of the World, the Possible, the Finite.” Utopias Today! Special Issue of the Journal of Contemporary Thought. Eds. Patrícia Vieira and Michael Marder. 31 (Summer 2010): 37-55. (with Michael Marder).
“O Império como Fetiche no Estado Novo: Feitiço do Império e o Sortilégio Colonial.” Portuguese Cultural Studies. 3 (Spring 2010): 126-144.
“O Espírito do Império: as Grandes Certezas do Estado Novo em Chaimite.” Ellipsis. 7 (2009): 71-107.
“The Reason of Vision: Variations on Subjectivity in José Saramago’s Blindness.” Luso-Brazilian Review. 46.2 (2009): 1-21.
“Twists of the Blindfold: Torture and Sociality in Ariel Dorfman’s Death and the Maiden.” Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana. 38.2 (November 2009): 126-137.
“Truth and Art as Ideology. Cinema and Propaganda in the Portuguese New State.” Clcweb. 11(3).
“Literatura ou Panfleto? Leitura das Novelas de Ana de Castro Osório no Contexto da Luta Feminista do Início do Século XX.” Faces de Eva. 20 (2008): 47-58.
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“Sérgio Luminoso e Nocturno. Irracionalidade e Decadência em Portugal.” Luso-Brazilian Review. 43.2 (2006): 131-47.
“Torture and the Sublime. The Ethics of Physical Pain in Garage Olimpo.” Dissidences. Hispanic Journal of Theory and Criticism. 2.1 (2006).
“Sob o Signo de Mnemósine. Memória e Olvido em A Costa dos Murmúrios.” Ellipsis. 3 (2005): 63-85.
“Ser, Mundo e Cidade. O Espaço Urbano na Poesia de Drummond.” Brasil/Brazil. A Journal of Brazilian Literature. 32 (2004): 71-94.
“Diálogo, Tradução e Hibridismo em Terra Sonâmbula.” Estudos Portugueses e Africanos. 42 (2003): 79-97.
“Feminismus – Eine Elitebewegung? Überblick über die Geschichte des Feminismus in Portugal.” Feministische Studien. 19. 2 (2001): 95-104.