“Plants in Indigenous Amazon and the Language of Environmental Rights.” Agency of Plants Symposium. Kunstmuseum Lichtenstein. September 21, 2023.


“Presentation of the project ECO – Animals and Plants in Cultural Productions about the Amazon River Basin.” ERC-funded Amazon Research Webminar. Euraxess and the European Research Council, September 19. [online]


“Utopia e Distopia num Mundo sem Nós.” Summer Course: Literatura, Humanismo e Cosmopolitismo. Centro de Estudos Globais da Universidade Aberta, June 2023. [online]


“Cosmopolitismo y derechos no humanos en sociedades multiespecies.” Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Quito, March 2023.


“Cosmopolítica Interespécies.” Seminar “Abril Caminhos,” Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, January 2023. 


“Cosmopolitismo Multibiológico e Sociedades Interespécies.” Research Group “Literatura, Humanismo e Cosmopolitismo,” Center for Global Studies, Open University, December 2022. [online]


“Outros Antropocenos – O Apocalipse Visto da Amazónia.” Galeria Energia, Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett. Porto, December 2022.


“O Antropoceno visto da Amazónia: Perspetivas Indígenas sobre o Fim do Mundo.” Seminário “Conhecimentos Indígenas em Contexto Latino-Americano: Cruzando Perspectivas e Ampliando Diálogos.” Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, November 2022.


“Indigenous Perspectives on Environmental Disaster: Reflections on the End of the World.” Workshop “Lands and Oceans of Knowledge: Arts in Education and Research.” Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, November 2022.


“Indigenous Apocalypses: What do Mad Max Films and Amazon Have in Common?” Human Rights in Contemporary Societies Autumn Retreat. Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, November 2022.


“Amazonian Ecopoetry: Rainforest Zoophytography.” Colloquium – Literature and the Environmental Humanities, or How to Write the Ecocide of Real Biotopes. University of Berne, October 2022.


“Plant Activism in the Amazon: Frans Krajcberg’s Tree Sculptures.” Madrid Institute for Advanced Study and Casa de Vélazquez. June 2022.


“Amazonian Ecopoetry: Zoophytography as Shamanism.” Frankfurt Humanities Research Center. Goethe-University Frankfurt. May 2022. [online]


“Understanding the Mind of Plants.” The Scientific and medical Network. April 2022. [online] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bvnItyPUFA


“Humanidades Ambientais: Da Teoria à Prática.” Workshop “Roda de Saberes.” Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra. April 2022. [online]


“O que são as Humanidades Ambientais?” Humanidades Ambientais e Naturezas Contestadas Workshop. Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra. January 2022. [online] 


“O Que Pensa uma Oliveira? Reflexões sobre a Mente das Plantas.” Encontros de Alvito: Arte, Ciência, Ecologia. Alvito, October 2021. 


“Estética Amazónica: A Arte da Floresta.” Estados Unidos da Investigação: Transferências Ibéricas nas Artes e Humanidades. Literatura, Artes e Meio Ambiente. University of Salamanca / University of Coimbra, July 2021.  [online]


“Can Plants Write?” Peripheral Perspectives Colloquium. Porto Design Biennale. July 2021. [online]


“Trabalho Académico e Ambientalismo,” Roundtable “Agir com e para a Terra: Que Caminhos para Lá da Crise Climática?” Part of the CES Summer School Reacender a Imaginação Cívica para a Mudança Social. University of Coimbra. June 2021. [online]


“Utopia and Dystopia in Brazil Today.” Radical History Book Talk Series, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. June 2021. [online]


“Movimientos Sociales y Utopia.” Roundatable “Es un estallido social lo que pasa en Colombia?” Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud. May 2021. [online]


“Portuguese Colonial and Post-Colonial Cinema,” Department of Spanish and Portuguese, NYU. April 2021. [online]


“Human/Non-Human Relations: Presentation of The Mind of Plants.” ASLE Spotlight Series. March 2021. [online] 


“The Humanities in the Age of Covid.” Faculty Colloquium. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Georgetown University. November 2020. [online]


“Brazilian Amazon at a Crossroads.” Forum Team Leader. ReVista Launch: The Future of the Amazon, Lessons from the Past. Harvard University. October 2020.  [online] 


“Crise Climática e Pandemia” [“Climate Crisis and the Covid-19 Pandemic”] Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra. July 2020.  [online] 


“Um Cinema Natural? Mulheres e Natureza na Filmografia de Realizadoras Portuguesas.” Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil, February 2020.


“Cinema Português no Feminino: O Meio Ambiente na Filmografia de Noémia Delgado e Teresa Villaverde.” WomanArt Seminar, University of Minho, February 2020.


“Uma Ecocrítica Tropical? O Meio Ambiente na Literatura e na Cultura Brasileiras”  [A Tropical Ecocriticism? The Environment in Brazilian Literature and Culture]. Federal University of Paraíba. Brazil, May 2019.


“Utopia in Brazilian Culture: Presentation of Book States of Grace.” Library of Congress, Washington, DC, October 2018.


“Amazonian Narratives: From Theology to Ecology.” George Washington University. Department of Romance, German and Slavic Languages and Literatures. September 2018.


“Multibiologism and Interspecies Relations.” European Graduate School. Valletta, Malta. April 2017.


“Of Wolves and Lambs: Interspecies Peace.” European University of St. Petersburg. April 2017.


“Literatura del Amazonas: La voz de la selva” [Amazonian Literature: The Voice of the Rainforest]. Department of Modern Philology. University of Salamanca. December 2016.


“Utopías del vivir sin trabajar : El ocio y la ideología del trabajo” [Work-Free Utopias: Leisure and the Ideology of Work]. University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz. December 2016.


"O Belo e o Bom: Estética, Uniformidade e Liberdade." [Beauty and the Good: Aesthetics, Uniformity and Freedom]. Institute for Comparative Literature, University of Porto. October 2016.


"¿Es el existencialismo un posthumanismo?" [Is Existentialism a Posthumanism?]. University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz. November 2015.


“Writing like a Plant: Fernando Pessoa’s Phytopoesis.” Colloquium on Fernando Pessoa: Between Literature and Philosophy. Georgetown University. March 2015.


Phytofabulae: Tales of the Amazon.” University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. February 2015.


“Laws of the Jungle: The Politics of Contestation in the Amazon.” Department of Modern Languages. Claremont McKenna College, February 2015.


“Propaganda Film in the Portuguese New State: The Portrayal of an Ideal Society.” Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UC Santa Barbara, February 2015.


“Paraíso ou Inferno Verde: A Amazónia na Literatura e no Cinema” [“Paradise or Green Hell: Plants in Literature and in Cinema”]. University of Coimbra, December 2014.


“As Plantas na Literatura Portuguesa e Brasileira” [“Plants in Portuguese and Brazilian Literature”]. National Museum of Natural History and Science, Lisbon, November 2014.


“Imagens a Fio: Documentário, Política, Sociedade.” [“Imagens upon Imagens: Documentary, Politics, Society”]. University of Coimbra. June 2014. (with Pedro Serra)


“La Paz Perpetua de Kant: Cosmopolitismo o Distopía.” [“Kant’s Perpetual Peace: Cosmopolitanism or Dystopia”] Catholic University of Chile. April 2014.


“Comercio en vez de guerra: paz perpetua sin política.” [“Comerce instead of War: Perpetual Peace without Politics”] Centro de Análisis e Investigación Política. April 2014.


“Perpetual Peace: Kant’s History of the Future.” Department of Philosophy. Stony Brook University. April 2014.


“Paz Perpétua: O Fim da História através do Comércio” [“Perpetual Peace: The End of History through Trade”]. Center for Social Studies. University of Coimbra. March 2013.


“A Paz Perpétua de Kant: Teologia, Ciência, ou Ficção?” [“Kant’s Perpetual Peace: Theology, Science or Fiction?”] Department of Philosophy. University of Lisbon. March 2013.


“Perpetual Peace in Theology and Philosophy: The Secularization of an Ideal.” Department of Philosophy. Sichuan University, July 2013.


“Theologians and Missionaries in America: European Colonialism as the Beginning of the End of the World.” Department of English & Forum on Contemporary Theory. University of Goa, June 2013.


“Cinema in the Portuguese New State: The Portrayal of an Idealized Society.” Department of Portuguese. University of Goa. June 2013.


“Utopian Visions of Global Community: The Enlightenment Ideal of Perpetual Peace.” Birkbeck Humanities Institute. Birkbeck College. May 2013.


“Messianism and Social Struggle: Representations of Canudos in Brazilian Film.” Center for Latin American and Iberian Visual Studies. Birkbeck College. May 2013.


 “The Portuguese New State in Cinema: Staging Salazarism Then and Now.” Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies. Birkbeck College. May 2013.


“The Politics of Equality in Pedro Costa’s Cinema.”Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies. Birkbeck College. May 2013.


“The Blacklands in the Brazilian Imaginary: Race, Religion, Social Banditry and Gender in Literature and Film.” Foreign Service Institute, April 2013.


“Uma Descolonização Incompleta: O Pós-Colonialismo na Literatura e no Cinema Portugueses.” [“An Incomplete Decolonization: Post-colonialism in Portuguese Literature and Film”]. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil, March 2013.


“A State of Grace. The Theological-Political Utopia of Father António Vieira.” King’s College London. December 2012.

“Sem Rei nem Roque: A Crise da Soberania em Portugal.” [“Sem Rei nem Roque: The Crisis of Sovereignty in Portugal”]. New University of Lisbon. December 2012.


“Notas sobre Feitiço do Império” [“Notes on The Spell of the Empire”]. National Film Archive, Lisbon, May 2012.


“Notas sobre A Revolução de Maio” [“Notes on The May Revolution”]. National Film Archive, Lisbon, May 2012.


“Portuguese Propaganda Film: God, Fatherland, Family and Empire on the Silver Screen.” University of Toronto, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, November 2011.


“De la Caverna Platónica a las Prisiones Modernas: Visión y Oscuridad en la Literatura, el Cine y el Arte Políticos del Siglo Veinte.” Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria-Gasteiz, November 2011.


“José Saramago e a Distopia da Razão.” Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, November 2011.


“Entre a Luz e a Sombra: Ficção Política Portuguesa e Brasileira.” Universitat de Barcelona, November 2011.


“A Utopia da Portugalidade: o Mundo Rural no Cinema do Estado Novo.” Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, December 2010.


“José Saramago’s Blindness: A Re-Writing of the Enligthenment Project?” Departament of Foreign Languages, University of Puerto RicoNovember 2010.


“Propaganda Colonial no Cinema do Estado Novo: O Fetiche do Império.” Department of History, Archaeology and Arts, University of Coimbra. Coimbra, October 2010.


“Propaganda Films in the Portuguese New State: From Art to Ideology.” Smolny Institute, Saint Petersburg State University. Saint Petersburg, April 2010.


“Tradução e Ensino da Língua Portuguesa e da Literatura e Cultura de Países de Língua Portuguesa.” Round table on Tradução: A Relação do Português com outros Idiomas." I Conferencia sobre o Futuro da Linga Portuguesa no Sistema Mundial, The Government of Brazil, Brasilia, March 2010.


“’Portugal não é um País Pequeno.’ Feitiço do Império e a Propaganda Colonial.” Research Center for Communication and CultureUniversidade Católica Portuguesa. Lisboa, February 2010.


Canção de Lisboa: Portuguese Comedies in the 1930s and 40s.” Instituto Camões, Centro de Língua Portuguesa. Panjim, July 2009.


“Contemporary Literature in Portuguese: History, Memory, Utopia.” University of Goa, July 2009.


“O Império como Fetiche no Estado Novo Português.” Seminario de Discurso, Legitimación y Memoria. Universidad de Salamanca, May 2009.


“Jacques Rancière: the Challenges of Political Philosophy.” Critical Theory SocietyGeorgetown University, April 2009.


“The Crude Ways of Colonialism. Women in the Propaganda for the Portuguese Empire.” Iberian Cruelties. Imperial Legacies in the Portuguese and Spanish-Speaking WorldsRutgers University, April 2009.


“Propaganda in the New State: Salazar, António Ferro and the Reshaping of Truth.” Contested Memories: War and Dictatorship in Contemporary Spanish and Portuguese Culture. Dublin, October 2007.


“The Humanities in the Age of Covid.” Faculty Colloquium. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Georgetown University. November 2020. [online]


“Brazilian Amazon at a Crossroads.” Forum Team Leader. ReVista Launch: The Future of the Amazon, Lessons from the Past. Harvard University. October 2020.


“Crise Climática e Pandemia” [“Climate Crisis and the Covid-19 Pandemic”] Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, July 2020.


“Um Cinema Natural? Mulheres e Natureza na Filmografia de Realizadoras Portuguesas.” Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil, February 2020.


“Cinema Português no Feminino: O Meio Ambiente na Filmografia de Noémia Delgado e Teresa Villaverde.” WomanArt Seminar, University of Minho, February 2020.


“Uma Ecocrítica Tropical? O Meio Ambiente na Literatura e na Cultura Brasileiras”  [A Tropical Ecocriticism? The Environment in Brazilian Literature and Culture]. Federal University of Paraíba. Brazil, May 2019.


“Utopia in Brazilian Culture: Presentation of Book States of Grace.” Library of Congress, Washington, DC, October 2018.


“Amazonian Narratives: From Theology to Ecology.” George Washington University. Department of Romance, German and Slavic Languages and Literatures. September 2018.


“Multibiologism and Interspecies Relations.” European Graduate School. Valletta, Malta. April 2017.


“Of Wolves and Lambs: Interspecies Peace.” European University of St. Petersburg. April 2017.


“Literatura del Amazonas: La voz de la selva” [Amazonian Literature: The Voice of the Rainforest]. Department of Modern Philology. University of Salamanca. December 2016.


“Utopías del vivir sin trabajar : El ocio y la ideología del trabajo” [Work-Free Utopias: Leisure and the Ideology of Work]. University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz. December 2016.


"O Belo e o Bom: Estética, Uniformidade e Liberdade." [Beauty and the Good: Aesthetics, Uniformity and Freedom]. Institute for Comparative Literature, University of Porto. October 2016.


"¿Es el existencialismo un posthumanismo?" [Is Existentialism a Posthumanism?]. University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz. November 2015.


“Writing like a Plant: Fernando Pessoa’s Phytopoesis.” Colloquium on Fernando Pessoa: Between Literature and Philosophy. Georgetown University. March 2015.


Phytofabulae: Tales of the Amazon.” University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. February 2015.


“Laws of the Jungle: The Politics of Contestation in the Amazon.” Department of Modern Languages. Claremont McKenna College, February 2015.


“Propaganda Film in the Portuguese New State: The Portrayal of an Ideal Society.” Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UC Santa Barbara, February 2015.


“Paraíso ou Inferno Verde: A Amazónia na Literatura e no Cinema” [“Paradise or Green Hell: Plants in Literature and in Cinema”]. University of Coimbra, December 2014.


“As Plantas na Literatura Portuguesa e Brasileira” [“Plants in Portuguese and Brazilian Literature”]. National Museum of Natural History and Science, Lisbon, November 2014.


“Imagens a Fio: Documentário, Política, Sociedade.” [“Imagens upon Imagens: Documentary, Politics, Society”]. University of Coimbra. June 2014. (with Pedro Serra)


“La Paz Perpetua de Kant: Cosmopolitismo o Distopía.” [“Kant’s Perpetual Peace: Cosmopolitanism or Dystopia”] Catholic University of Chile. April 2014.


“Comercio en vez de guerra: paz perpetua sin política.” [“Comerce instead of War: Perpetual Peace without Politics”] Centro de Análisis e Investigación Política. April 2014.


“Perpetual Peace: Kant’s History of the Future.” Department of Philosophy. Stony Brook University. April 2014.


“Paz Perpétua: O Fim da História através do Comércio” [“Perpetual Peace: The End of History through Trade”]. Center for Social Studies. University of Coimbra. March 2013.


“A Paz Perpétua de Kant: Teologia, Ciência, ou Ficção?” [“Kant’s Perpetual Peace: Theology, Science or Fiction?”] Department of Philosophy. University of Lisbon. March 2013.


“Perpetual Peace in Theology and Philosophy: The Secularization of an Ideal.” Department of Philosophy. Sichuan University, July 2013.


“Theologians and Missionaries in America: European Colonialism as the Beginning of the End of the World.” Department of English & Forum on Contemporary Theory. University of Goa, June 2013.


“Cinema in the Portuguese New State: The Portrayal of an Idealized Society.” Department of Portuguese. University of Goa. June 2013.


“Utopian Visions of Global Community: The Enlightenment Ideal of Perpetual Peace.” Birkbeck Humanities Institute. Birkbeck College. May 2013.


“Messianism and Social Struggle: Representations of Canudos in Brazilian Film.” Center for Latin American and Iberian Visual Studies. Birkbeck College. May 2013.


 “The Portuguese New State in Cinema: Staging Salazarism Then and Now.” Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies. Birkbeck College. May 2013.


“The Politics of Equality in Pedro Costa’s Cinema.”Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies. Birkbeck College. May 2013.


“The Blacklands in the Brazilian Imaginary: Race, Religion, Social Banditry and Gender in Literature and Film.” Foreign Service Institute, April 2013.


“Uma Descolonização Incompleta: O Pós-Colonialismo na Literatura e no Cinema Portugueses.” [“An Incomplete Decolonization: Post-colonialism in Portuguese Literature and Film”]. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil, March 2013.


“A State of Grace. The Theological-Political Utopia of Father António Vieira.” King’s College London. December 2012.

“Sem Rei nem Roque: A Crise da Soberania em Portugal.” [“Sem Rei nem Roque: The Crisis of Sovereignty in Portugal”]. New University of Lisbon. December 2012.


“Notas sobre Feitiço do Império” [“Notes on The Spell of the Empire”]. National Film Archive, Lisbon, May 2012.


“Notas sobre A Revolução de Maio” [“Notes on The May Revolution”]. National Film Archive, Lisbon, May 2012.


“Portuguese Propaganda Film: God, Fatherland, Family and Empire on the Silver Screen.” University of Toronto, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, November 2011.


“De la Caverna Platónica a las Prisiones Modernas: Visión y Oscuridad en la Literatura, el Cine y el Arte Políticos del Siglo Veinte.” Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria-Gasteiz, November 2011.


“José Saramago e a Distopia da Razão.” Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, November 2011.


“Entre a Luz e a Sombra: Ficção Política Portuguesa e Brasileira.” Universitat de Barcelona, November 2011.


“A Utopia da Portugalidade: o Mundo Rural no Cinema do Estado Novo.” Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, December 2010.


“José Saramago’s Blindness: A Re-Writing of the Enligthenment Project?” Departament of Foreign Languages, University of Puerto RicoNovember 2010.


“Propaganda Colonial no Cinema do Estado Novo: O Fetiche do Império.” Department of History, Archaeology and Arts, University of Coimbra. Coimbra, October 2010.


“Propaganda Films in the Portuguese New State: From Art to Ideology.” Smolny Institute, Saint Petersburg State University. Saint Petersburg, April 2010.


“Tradução e Ensino da Língua Portuguesa e da Literatura e Cultura de Países de Língua Portuguesa.” Round table on Tradução: A Relação do Português com outros Idiomas." I Conferencia sobre o Futuro da Linga Portuguesa no Sistema Mundial, The Government of Brazil, Brasilia, March 2010.


“’Portugal não é um País Pequeno.’ Feitiço do Império e a Propaganda Colonial.” Research Center for Communication and CultureUniversidade Católica Portuguesa. Lisboa, February 2010.


Canção de Lisboa: Portuguese Comedies in the 1930s and 40s.” Instituto Camões, Centro de Língua Portuguesa. Panjim, July 2009.


“Contemporary Literature in Portuguese: History, Memory, Utopia.” University of Goa, July 2009.


“O Império como Fetiche no Estado Novo Português.” Seminario de Discurso, Legitimación y Memoria. Universidad de Salamanca, May 2009.


“Jacques Rancière: the Challenges of Political Philosophy.” Critical Theory SocietyGeorgetown University, April 2009.


“The Crude Ways of Colonialism. Women in the Propaganda for the Portuguese Empire.” Iberian Cruelties. Imperial Legacies in the Portuguese and Spanish-Speaking WorldsRutgers University, April 2009.


“Propaganda in the New State: Salazar, António Ferro and the Reshaping of Truth.” Contested Memories: War and Dictatorship in Contemporary Spanish and Portuguese Culture. Dublin, October 2007.